Malwarebytes Windows Firewall Control

Malwarebytes Windows Firewall Control

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Windows Firewall Control

Windows Firewall Control is een klein maar krachtige app, welke de functionaliteit van je Windows Firewall behoorlijk opschroeft en vooral makkelijke toegang biedt tot de voornaamste opties.

Compatibel met Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7 en ook met Server 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012.
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Windows Firewall Control heeft 4 filter modes, te kiezen met één muisklik :

High Filtering - Alle uitgaande verbindingen worden afgeblokt.
Medium Filtering - Uitgaande verbindingen worden slechts doorgelaten als er een regel voor is ingesteld. Enkel de programma's waarbij je toestemming geeft kunnen regels aanmaken en instellen.
Low Filtering - Alle uitgaande verbindingen worden toegelaten, behalve diegene die door een regel worden afgeschermd. Ook kan je programma's verhinderen eigen regels aan te maken.
No Filtering - Windows Firewall is uitgeschakeld. Enkel te gebruiken als een andere firewall actief is dan de standaard Windows Firewall.

(Engelstalige beschrijving volgt)

Program Features:
  • Intuitive and easy accessible interface in the system tray, next to the system clock.
  • Full support with standard user accounts. Elevated privileges are required only at installation.
  • Disable the ability of other programs to add Windows Firewall rules.
  • Multiple and easier ways of creating new rules in Windows Firewall.
  • Integrated support of creating, modifying and deleting Window Firewall rules.
  • Lock feature which can disable the access to the settings of the program and Windows Firewall.
  • Shell integration into the right click context menu of the executable files.
  • Display invalid rules with the possibility to delete them very quickly.
  • Merge multiple similar rules or duplicate existing ones.
  • Search for executable files through folders and create new rules in seconds.
  • View recently allowed and blocked connections and create new rules from the Security log.
  • Choose if you want the program to start at user log on.
  • Import, export and restore all firewall rules or just the selected rules.
  • Protection to unauthorized uninstallation.
  • Possibility to restore previous settings at uninstallation.
  • Global hot keys are supported and various shortcut keys are available.
  • And many, many more. Just try it out.
Windows Firewall Control changelog:
  • Improved: The logic of disabling unauthorized rules was changed to update the rule description instead of the rule name to avoid repeated rule creation as a result of different rule name.
  • Fixed: The programs executed from Tools tab can be used for privilege escalation. For standard user accounts, these tools will prompt the UAC dialog so that only administrators can launch them with full privileges.
  • Fixed: Creating new rules for files with empty file description creates new rules with an empty starting space. These rules can't be modified from WFwAS.
  • Fixed: Icon from profile switch notification is not the correct one.
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Ivan
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