* bugfix: #2073805 switching saved filter with same date range doesn't refresh
* bugfix: #2073233 vehicle cost distance/volume is rounded to distance and always xx,0
* bugfix: #2071648 possibility for positive or negative budget values gone
* bugfix: #2069152 windows: CFA protected folder save fail with no dialog warning
* bugfix: #2068825 budget report type filter do not work anymore
* bugfix: #2068664 filter text option only work when both memo and number are filled
* bugfix: #2068634 copy/paste a txn do not enable save
* bugfix: #2067855 transfer from one account to another does not sync statuse even with "Sync transfer Status" checked
* bugfix: #2067440 payment settings not retained
* bugfix: #2066539 budget Report - unbudgeted includes transactions for subcats where main cat has a budget
* bugfix: #2062021 transaction date may change if system shortdate is not dd/MM/yy